Sunday, July 29, 2007

After the party . . .


Sonja said...

And that's just one way to hasten our return to dust. I once sat through a sermon that had the same effect on me. I can still hear the preacher rambling in a most unfocused way and in a monotone. On and on and on he went. Then there was the ladies tea incident.... Well, it looks like you have more interesting ways to hasten to your end than have I.

Vee Mack said...

Was that a sermon that you heard in Corcoran? The preacher at Church of the Epiphany is known to do that very thing!

Sonja said...

While it does seem that the rector in Corcoran has learned to give protestant sermons, I refer to a sermon delivered about 23 years ago. Though the message was not impacting, the delivery was; so much so that I can remember it all these years later. The moral of the story is that if a teacher or preacher wants to leave a lasting mark on people, boring them out of their minds is an effective means and a real time-saving method as well because no sermon preparation is required.